- 1. HazCentre™
- 1. How much does HazCentre™ cost?Author: admin 14.04.17More
The cost depends on the number of users, as is common in the software industry. If you’ll have 10 users, you’ll need to pay for 10 licenses.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1584 Times - 2. Is the HazCentre™ architecture PC-based or Web-based?Author: admin 14.04.17More
Currently, the software is PC-based. We are continuously updating HazCentre™ with new features and user request for modifications. These updates allow users to leverage the HazCentre Software to do the record keeping the way they conduct business.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1513 Times - 3. How does HazCentre™ apply my particular state's hazardous materials regulations?Author: admin 14.04.17More
HazCentre™ has all 50 states’ hazardous materials regulations in the system. It will automatically apply the correct regulations for your particular state. Also, HazCentre™ is updated automatically each year with the most recent regulatory changes for each state.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1480 Times - 4. Is HazCentre™ strictly for hazardous materials?Author: admin 14.04.17More
No. The system can be used to manage a wide variety of inventories, such as chemicals or household goods.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1486 Times - 5. How will our people learn how to use the system?Author: admin 14.04.17More
TelStar will do an on-site demonstration for each new organization that purchases HazCentre™. We also will provide a user-friendly manual.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1533 Times - 6. How do we know HazCentre™ will fit our equipment and meet our needs?Author: admin 14.04.17More
TelStar will tailor the software to fit your organization’s particular information systems hardware and business needs.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1488 Times - 7. Can data be input at multiple sites?
- 8. If I have multiple sites, will reporting be centralized?Author: admin 14.04.17More
Yes. Reports can be generated either at the site level or compiled at a central facility. Centralized reporting allows results to be accumulated and viewed collectively.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1500 Times - 9. What about service after HazCentre™ is installed?Author: admin 14.04.17More
We provide quick response to problems, based on your needs. Our help desk can often provide the answers you need. If necessary, we will provide on-site help.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1607 Times - 10. Where can I get more information about HazCentre™?Author: admin 14.04.17More
See the brochure at the following link: The HazCentre Solution
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